How It Works
How many times have you looked at a piece of your furniture which you have moved to several different homes and loved that piece but it is so worn to you, you would be happy to just give it away? Those pieces are often other people’s treasures. With a new fabric or a fresh coat of paint it becomes a beautiful piece in someone else’s home and they didn’t have to pay the high price of a brand new piece.
How it works:
Super easy and you won’t even have to lift a finger.
1. You can either bring your treasures to us or we can set up movers to pick up. You are responsible for paying the movers.
2. I take pictures of your pieces, send a email as to how we will price your pieces and then I will post on the site. After a month we can drop the price. If it doesn’t sell after 3 months we can donate your piece.
3. Trading Treasures will take a 50% commission of the pieces. If it is a larger priced piece of furniture, a different commission can be agreed upon.
The whole point of this is that you can finally get rid of things without having to lift a finger and you don’t have to think about it until you receive a Trading Treasures check or have been notified your piece has been donated.